Solar Influences on the Magnetosphere,
Ionosphere and Atmosphere

This is a traditional workshop which is organized by the Space Climate section of
the Space Research and Technology Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

Old versions of the website:

Welcome to 2021 Workshop
Solar Influences on the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Atmosphere

Program & Presentarions

  • Day 1 – Monday, 13 September

    Oral session
    Time Authors Presentation
    09:40-10:10 Rozelot J.P., Kosovichev A.K. Solar gravitational moments: what are they and what do they do? A little comprehensive review
    10:10-10:30 Demetrescu C., Dobrica V., Stefan C. Geomagnetic data as a source of information on past evolution of the solar activity / space climate
    10:30-10:50 Komitov B.P. Predictions for SC25, SC26 and SC27 magnitudes in relation to the long-term solar activity changes
    10:50-11:10 Zharkova V., Shepherd S., Popova E. Zharkov S. Solar activity enters the modern grand solar minimum: magnetic field observations and models of dipole and quadruple waves
    11:10-11:40 Coffee break
    11:40-12:00 Murakozy J. Details of the sunspot groups` decay
    12:00-12:20 Yermolaev Yu. I., Lodkina I.G., Khokhlachev A. A., Yermolaev M.Yu. Decrease in solar wind parameters after a minimum of 22-23 solar cycles
    12:20-12:50 Georgieva K., Kirov B., Asenovski S. Solar wind and geomagnetic activity
    12:50-13:10 Georgieva K., Asenovski S., Kirov B. Criteria for identification of geoeffective solar events
    Lunch break
  • Poster session 17:30-18:30
    Borisenko A.V. Podgorny I.M., Podgorny A.I. First flare M 1.9 AR 10365: comparing results real-scale time MHD modeling and observational data
    Elias A. et al. On the correlation between EUV solar radiation proxies and their long-term association
    Isaeva E. Relationship between the intensity of the SCR proton flux and the parameters of type II radio bursts in the 25-180 MHz range
    Kobylinski Z. The solar activity, cosmic ray intensity and geomagnetic changes during solar cycles 16 till 24 and our previsions for the next time
    Krastev K., Semkova J. et al. Temporal analysis of the GCR flux obtained from the LIULIN instrument in orbit around Mars
    Tsvetkov Ts., Petrov N., Shirov G. Properties of Solar Activity Phenomena Detected during 2020 December 14 Total Solar Eclipse
    Shkevov R., Erokhin N. et al. Relativistic electrons resonant acceleration - an analysis of the analytical approximation model
  • Day 2 – Tuesday, 14 September

    Oral session
    Time Authors Presentation
    09:30-09:50 Obridko V.N., Sokoloff D.D. et al. Medium-term oscillations of the solar activity
    09:50-10:10 Roša D,. Hržina D. et al. Determination of the Solar Rotation Elements and Period from Ruđer Bošković's Sunspot Observations in 1777
    10:10-10:30 Nakeva Y., Tsvetkov Ts. Et al. Preliminary Results of Statistical Study on the Solar Cycle 24
    10:30-10:50 Podgorny A.I., Podgorny I.M. et al. MHD simulation of a flare situation in real scale of time above AR 10365: development of a technique, choice of parameters, the appearance of field singularities at flare sites
    10:50-11:20 Coffee break
    11:20-11:40 Koleva K., Dechev M. et al. Properties of Filament Eruption and Associated Flare Ribbons on 2021 May 9
    11:40-12:00 Nedal M., Kozarev K., Dechev M. Estimating the Kinematics of Coronal Bright Fronts and the Associated Plasma Parameters using the SPREAdFAST Framework
    12:00-12:20 Dineva E., Pearson J. et al. Solar Activity Variations Characterised by Spectroscopic Proxies and Excess Brightness Indices
    Lunch break
  • Poster session 17:30-18:30
    Kuhai N., Kalinichenko M. et al. Solar wind stream structure by IPS observations at decameter wavelengths
    Shevchuk M.V., Melnik V.N. et al. Determination of the CME core parameters by means of the associated spikes
    Sima A., Dobrica V., Demetrescu C. On the magnetosphere stand-off distance at the timescale of geomagnetic storm
    Despirak I.V., Kleimenova N.G. et al. Supersubstorm on 28 May 2011: geomagnetic effects
    Kleimenova N.G., Despirak I.V. et al. Polar substorms, Svalbard auroras and mid-latitude positive magnetic bays
    Guineva V., Werner R. et al. Characteristics of the midlatitude effects of different substorms
  • Day 4 – Thursday, 16 September

    Oral session
    Time Authors Presentation
    09:30-09:50 Shepeliev V., Lytvynenko O. Impact of space weather on ionospheric scintillation
    09:50-10:20 Adibekyan M. Analyse of ionospheric and Geomagnetic Pre -earthquake Anomalies
    10:20-10:40 Grigorenko E.E., Leonenko M.V. et al. Super thin current sheets of electron scales observed in planetary magnetotails
    10:40-11:00 Zharkova V., Khabarova O. et al. Pitch angle distributions of accelerated particles of solar wind in 3D current sheets with magnetic islands
    11:00-11:30 Coffee break
    11:30-11:50 Tirnakci M., Kilcik A. The Relationship between Solar Activity and Geomagnetic Activity Indices in the Last Four Solar Cycles
    11:50-12:10 Werner G., Guineva V. et al. Calculation of the horizontal power perturbations of the Earth surface magnetic field
    12:10-12:30 Guineva V., Werner R. et al. Work out of a substorm catalog based on the ground based magnetic data at the Panagjurishte station
    Lunch break
  • Poster session 17:30-18:30
    Koucka Knizova P., Podolska K. et al. Tropospheric Mesoscale Systems and their signatures within Ionosphere
    Bojilova R., Mukhtarov P.. A new approach for forecasting the main ionospheric parameters over Bulgaria
    Veretenenko S. Influence of Solar Proton Events of January 2005 on the middle atmosphere circulation: Southern hemisphere
    Kobylinski Z., Wysokinski A. On the long-term consistency of the magnetic D component registered at Swider and several nearby geomagnetic stations (1921-1966)
    Velichkova T., Kilifarska N. Geomagnetic Field’s contribution to the global raise of air surface temperature
    Kilifarska N., Velichkova T. Regionality of climate change and its explanation

DOI: 10.31401/WSoz.2021.abs

Book of Abstracts, Thirteenth Workshop, 2021

Welcome to 2022 Workshop
Solar Influences on the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Atmosphere

The 14th Workshop will be held during 6-10 June 2022 in Primorsko, Bulgaria.

The topics include but are not restricted to:

  • Sun and solar activity
  • Solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions
  • Solar influences on the lower atmosphere and climate
  • Solar effects in the biosphere and lithosphere
  • Instrumentation for space weather monitoring
  • Data proccessing and modelling

Scientific Organizing Committee

  • Katya Georgieva (Space Research and Technology Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria) - Chair
  • Atila Özgüc (Bogazici Univ. Kandilli Observatory, Istanbul, Turkey)
  • Crisan Demetrescu (Institute of Geodynamics, Romanian Academy)
  • Dragan Roša (Zagreb Astrronomical Observatory, Croatia)
  • Jean-Pierre Rozelot (Université Côte d’Azur)
  • Nat Gopalswamy (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
  • Olga Malandraki (IAASARS, National Observatory of Athens, Greece)
  • Petra Koucká-Knižová (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Czech Republic)
  • Vladimir Obridko (IZMIRAN, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Local Organizing Committee (Space Research and Technology Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria):

  • Boian Kirov - Chair
  • Kostadinka Koleva
  • Simeon Asenovski

Important deadlines:

  • Pre-registration: April 1, 2022
  • Abstract submission deadline: April 15, 2022
  • Final registration: May 6, 2022

Workshop Program

Final registration

DOI: 10.31401/WSoz.2022.abs

Book of Abstracts, Fourteenth Workshop, 2022

Welcome to 2023 Workshop
Solar Influences on the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Atmosphere

The 15th Workshop will be held during 5-9 June 2023 in Primorsko, Bulgaria.

The topics include but are not restricted to:

  • Sun and solar activity
  • Solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions
  • Solar influences on the lower atmosphere and climate
  • Solar effects in the biosphere and lithosphere
  • Instrumentation for space weather monitoring
  • Data proccessing and modelling

Scientific Organizing Committee

  • Katya Georgieva (Space Research and Technology Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria) - Chair
  • Atila Özgüc (Bogazici Univ. Kandilli Observatory, Istanbul, Turkey)
  • Crisan Demetrescu (Institute of Geodynamics, Romanian Academy)
  • Dragan Roša (Zagreb Astrronomical Observatory, Croatia)
  • Jean-Pierre Rozelot (Université Côte d’Azur)
  • Nat Gopalswamy (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
  • Olga Malandraki (IAASARS, National Observatory of Athens, Greece)
  • Petra Koucká-Knižová (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Czech Republic)
  • Vladimir Obridko (IZMIRAN, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Local Organizing Committee (Space Research and Technology Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria):

  • Boian Kirov - Chair
  • Maria S. Madjarska
  • Simeon Asenovski


  • Hotel Primorsko Del Sol, Primorsko, Bulgaria

Important deadlines:

  • Pre-registration: April 1, 2023
  • Abstract submission deadline: April 25, 2023
  • Final registration: May 6, 2023

Workshop Program


DOI: 10.31401/WSoz.2023.abs

Book of Abstracts, Fifteenth Workshop, 2023

Welcome to 2024 Workshop
Solar Influences on the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Atmosphere

The 16th Workshop will be held during 3-7 June 2024 in Primorsko, Bulgaria.

The topics include but are not restricted to:

  • Sun and solar activity
  • Solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions
  • Solar influences on the lower atmosphere and climate
  • Solar effects in the biosphere and lithosphere
  • Instrumentation for space weather monitoring
  • Data proccessing and modelling

Scientific Organizing Committee

  • Katya Georgieva (Space Research and Technology Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria) - Chair
  • Atila Özgüc (Bogazici Univ. Kandilli Observatory, Istanbul, Turkey)
  • Crisan Demetrescu (Institute of Geodynamics, Romanian Academy)
  • Dragan Roša (Zagreb Astrronomical Observatory, Croatia)
  • Jean-Pierre Rozelot (Université Côte d’Azur)
  • Nat Gopalswamy (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
  • Olga Malandraki (IAASARS, National Observatory of Athens, Greece)
  • Petra Koucká-Knižová (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Czech Republic)
  • Vladimir Obridko (IZMIRAN, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Local Organizing Committee (Space Research and Technology Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria):

  • Boian Kirov - Chair
  • Maria S. Madjarska
  • Kostadinka Koleva
  • Simeon Asenovski
  • Volodymyr Komendant


  • Hotel Primorsko Del Sol, Primorsko, Bulgaria

Important deadlines:

  • Pre-registration: April 1, 2024
  • Abstract submission deadline: April 25, 2024
  • Final registration: May 6, 2024


Abstract Search Portal

Title Authors Abstract

Workshop Program

DOI: 10.31401/WSoz.2024.abs

Book of Abstracts, Sixteenth Workshop, 2024

Book of Proceedings

Solar Influences on the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Atmosphere

ISSN: 2367-7570

Editorial board:

  • Katya Georgieva (Space Research and Technology Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria) - Editor-in-Chief
  • Atila Özgüc (Bogazici Univ. Kandilli Observatory, Istanbul, Turkey)
  • Crisan Demetrescu (Institute of Geodynamics, Romanian Academy)
  • Dragan Roša (Zagreb Astrronomical Observatory, Croatia)
  • Jean-Pierre Rozelot (Université Côte d’Azur)
  • Mykhailo Riabov (Odessa observatory "URAN-4" Radio Astronomical Institute NAS Ukraine)
  • Nat Gopalswamy (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
  • Olga Malandraki (IAASARS, National Observatory of Athens, Greece)
  • Petra Koucká-Knižová (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Czech Republic)
  • Vladimir Obridko (IZMIRAN, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Editorial Address:

SPACE RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE, Sofia 1113, str. "Acad. Georgy Bonchev" bl. 1


  • Simeon Asenovski (Space Research and Technology Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria)

Submission guidelines:

The author instructions are listed in the Template.docx


  • Please submit your papers strictly following the template. Submissions not complying with the template will be sent back to the authors for corrections. Each submission will be uploaded in the section Proceedings as soon as it has been accepted.
  • Papers should be submitted to BOTH, and
  • The deadline for submitting papers for the proceedings is August 21. After that, a Book of proceedings will be compiled with the respective page numbers, and it will replace the list of individual proceedings.

Publication ethics

Indexed by

List of all editions of workshop proceedings

Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement

Our publication ethics and publication malpractice statement is based on Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). More details can be found here:

Editors' responsibilities

Editorial Board

The Editorial board consists of the members of the Scientific Organizing Committee. Their names and affiliations as well as updated contact information are listed on the Workshop’s webpage.

Publication decisions

The editor is responsible for deciding which of the papers submitted to the proceedings will be published.

Peer review process

All of a proceedings’ content will be subjected to peer-review. Articles submitted for possible publication are reviewed by the editors. The editors will classify the papers as publishable immediately, publishable with amendments and improvements, or not publishable. The peer-reviewing process must serve the author in improving the paper.

Fair play

Reviews should be conducted objectively. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate. The editors will evaluate manuscripts without regard to the authors' race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy. The decision will be based on the paper’s importance, originality and clarity, and the study’s validity and its relevance to the proceedings’ scope.


Any manuscripts received for review must be treated as confidential documents. The editors must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, other editorial advisers, and the publisher, as appropriate.

Disclosure and conflicts of interest

Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted paper will not be used by the editors for their own research purposes without the author's explicit written consent. Editors should not consider manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions associated with the papers.

Authors' duties

Authorship of the paper

All listed authors must have made a significant scientific contribution to the study in the paper and approved all its claims. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. The corresponding author ensures that all contributing co-authors and no uninvolved persons are included in the author list. The corresponding author will also verify that all co-authors have approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication.

Originality, plagiarism and acknowledgement of sources

Authors will submit only entirely original works, and will appropriately cite or quote the work and/or words of others. If authors have used their own previously published study as the basis for a submitted manuscript, they are required to cite the previous paper and indicate how their submitted manuscript offers novel contributions beyond those of the previous work.

Disclosure and conflicts of interest

All authors should include a statement disclosing any financial or other substantive conflicts of interest that may be construed to influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. All sources of financial support for the project should be disclosed.

Open Access Policy

The proceedings are freely available online. Authors are required to agree with this open access policy which enables unrestricted access and reuse of all published articles.


Committee on Publication Ethics(COPE). (2011, March 7).

Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.

Retrieved from

Old website with programs and presentations of the previous workshops -

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